Our Operations

  • We Put Safety First

    Safety is the heartbeat of GC Transports. We take a preemptive approach to ensuring safe trips through rigorous operator development and training. At the end of our training program, GC Transports operators are not just professional drivers, but champions of safety. Every journey is underpinned by our unwavering commitment to the safety of our employees, passengers, and the communities we serve.

  • We Hire Exceptional People

    GC Transports Operators, Customer Support Representatives, and Dispatchers are the real face of our organization – we take great pride in providing the industry’s best personnel for our projects. We carefully vet and hire individuals who care about the work they do and the community their work benefits. We find that if you start with a kind heart and excellent work ethic, we can provide the structure, training, and developmental resources to help our employees reach their highest potential.

  • We Perform Comprehensive Quality Control & Assurance

    Quality control and assurance are the cornerstones of our operations. Local Quality Assurance teams are managed by our Corporate Quality Assurance and Safety Review Board which ensures strict adherence to ADA, FTA, and partner policies. We employ highly trained quality control auditors who conduct regular in-person inspections of our operations, monitor contract compliance, and confirm proper vehicle maintenance.

  • We Utilize Advanced Technology

    We leverage cutting-edge technology to revolutionize paratransit. Our customized platforms prioritize passenger convenience, enabling real-time scheduling, dispatching, and routing. We embrace on-demand trip designs, adapting to fluctuating demand and accommodating changing passenger schedules with efficiency and precision. All vehicles are equipped with tablets, push-to-talk radios, and interior and exterior camera systems, guaranteeing rapid communication and robust documentation.

  • We Offer Unmatched Reporting & Transparency

    Real-time reporting and continuous improvement initiatives underscore our commitment to delivering exceptional service. Coupling the input received from our customer service team with detailed reporting allows us and our partners to monitor how well our operations are performing. 

    Our reporting prowess is unmatched –not only is our IT staff comfortable and uniquely knowledgeable on the gamut of routing and dispatch systems, but we also have in-house developers who can customize reports and data to any of our partners’ requirements. Simply put, GC Transports will provide the visibility and transparency required to improve service and to identify more efficient and innovative ways to operate paratransit services.

  • We Exceed all Requirements for Fleet & Maintenance

    GC Transports boasts a cutting-edge fleet management program, ensuring 24/7 operation of our services across the country. Passenger comfort and safety are paramount. From functional wheelchair lifts and doors to ensure a smooth, vibration-free ride, we meticulously maintain our vehicles. 

    We prioritize the cleanliness of our vehicles by exceeding every contractual standard for vehicle cleaning. We want our paratransit riders to feel like they are riding in the cleanest vehicles on the road. Our commitment to comprehensive fleet maintenance ensures that every journey is not just safe but also exceptionally comfortable.